
Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Race between the Hare and the Snail​ || Summary

“The Race between the Hare and the Snail”
Long ago, far away in a field there was a pond. Many snails lived in it. One day, when the hare had finished drinking, it saw a snail making its way along the water’s edge. “What a poor creature you are”, said the hare. “How slowly you walk”. I can run like the wind. How can you go anywhere or know what the world is like beyond the water’s edge?”
            The snail felt very angry when it heard the hare’s scornful talk. “Do not judge me so hastily friend hare,” it said. If you lose the race you must promise never to drink here again. Ok if I lost a race I promise you I will never drink from any pond or stream again. ‘Very well,’ replied the snail. ‘see next week and we will race each other around the pond at the same time. ‘Agreed,’ replied the Hare.
            The snail discussed what had happened with its many friends and together they worked out a plan to teach the over confident hare a lesson. When the race in position every two or three metres around of the pond. “ Hello friend hare,” snail said. ‘Do you agree that the race shall begin and finish at this place?’ ‘Certainly,’ said the hare. ‘where are you friend hare? Where are you friend snail?’ just so that we know how we are getting on? ‘Most certainly,’ said the hare, smiling, though I shall be so far in front I front I doubt that I shall hear you.’ ‘if we are agreed then,’ said the snail, ignoring the hare’s boastful remark, ‘let the race begin.’
            As it ran, the hare called out, ‘Where are you friend snail?’ ‘ here I am, just ahead friend hare,’  said one of the snails. Where are you now snail. ‘Come on.’ And so the hare ran at full speed. Every time the hare called there was a snail just ahead of it or just behind it, There was the first snail waiting for it. ‘I am here already friend hare,’ it said.
            The hare, believing it had lost the race, went crestfallen away from the pond and to this day hares do not drink from a pond or stream.
            The moral of this story is that we should never underestimate anyone who appears weaker than ourselves.

Thanks for Watching!!

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